Hospitality Management Front Desk Simulation

 Last week, ICE’s first Hospitality Management class did an in-class simulation of a front desk check-in at a hotel.

These students are preparing for careers in the travel and hospitality industry and learning how to interact with customers is an integral part of that process. The students dressed up in their most professional attire and completed the check-in and check-out process at a desk that was custom built for practicing check-in.  The students got familiar and comfortable with the procedure, working behind the mock desk and acting as guests for their fellow students.


Their teacher, Director of Hospitality Management Tom Voss, was grading them as they acted out the roles. Some students were nervous, but everyone was very supportive and students found it easy to talk out loud about what next step they are going to take.

The students acted out a typical check-in, welcoming the guests, asking for photo id and getting them to fill out registration cards before activating their key cards and telling them how to find their rooms. Check-in is a key interaction between hotel management and guests, and this was a great chance for these ICE students to get hands-on experience practicing this important interaction on each other.