ICE Student Profile: Shari Tanaka

Every issue of The Main Course, ICE’s school newsletter, includes a glimpse at the life of students in ICE’s career-training programs. We’re sharing the interviews from the most recent issue here on DICED. Shari Tanaka left a career in textile design to follow her passion in ICE’s Pastry & Baking Arts program.

Shari Tanaka, Pastry Arts

West coast transplant and career changer Shari Tanaka has a history of making beautiful things. Prior to deciding to study pastry at ICE, Tanaka received a degree at FIT and entered the world of textile design. Always up for a challenge, Tanaka chose to pursue her confectionary curiosity in the hopes of someday opening up her own sweet shop. For now, she loves tinkering with recipes, tempering chocolate, creating visually appealing desserts and is happily externing with pastry chef Joe Murphy at the critically acclaimed Jean Georges. She encourages all students to take full advantage of the programs the school has to offer especially the demonstrations at school and volunteer opportunities at events around the city.  

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