
Gluten-Free Global Cuisine

The first is this: regional cuisines are varied and driven by the foods readily available seasonally and locally. If you live by the sea, you eat a lot of fish. If you are inland, you don’t. If you

chopping broccoli

(Gluten-Free) Breaded & Fried

In addition to knife skills, in our first module, we worked on meat fabrication and preparing stocks. These skills are essential for chefs to learn and provided me with a strong base of knowledge and

gluten free macaroni and cheese

Life as a Gluten-Free Culinary Student: Roux the Day

Considering a major ingredient in most of these sauces is a “roux” (a thickening agent made from equal parts fat and wheat flour), this gluten-free culinary student found herself in a bit of a pickle

Gluten free chef Jackie Ourman

Life As a (Gluten-Free) Culinary Student

When you have celiac disease, you can’t eat anything that contains gluten, which is primarily found in wheat, barley and rye. Where life-threatening allergies are concerned, the only options are to

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