At ICE, we make it our mission to help students find their culinary voice — that creative drive within each of us that determines how we express ourselves through food. Whether it’s a career training program, a recreational course in pie crusts or a special event featuring handmade pasta, we’ll give you the tools to hone your culinary creativity. Join us as we ask some of today’s leading food industry pros to share their culinary voice.
Chef David Burke is one of the most prominent chefs in New York City — he's operated and consulted on more than a dozen restaurants across the country — and that’s for a good reason. Trained at the Culinary Institute of America and Ecole Lenotre Pastry School in Plaisir, France, David built his career by asking why. The acclaimed chef's culinary voice is all about asking the simplest culinary questions, like “why do we serve apples with pork…, oranges with duck, and put a pickle on a hamburger.” This, he believes, creates the necessary foundation for cooks and chefs to explore their culinary curiosity.
David’s approach as a “voice of reason”, constantly asking questions and challenging the answers, is what led to his success as a chef and restaurateur.
Find your culinary voice with ICE — learn more about our career training programs.